How to Use an Image as Map in TileMill

TileMill is an open source tools to generate a personal map, which can then be used in OpenStreetMap or MapBox.

Here is a tutorial about how to use GDAL to warp an image into GIS system required formation.

Before run the python script, you need to install GDAL. To install GDAL on Ubuntu is quite easy, just type in below command:

sudo apt-get install gdal-bin

After a GeoTIFF file is generated, insert it as a layer in TileMill (SRS choose 900913, leave Class blank). Assume the id of your layer is “image” Then insert below code to the mss script.

#image {

Then, if nothing wrong, you can see your image on a particular latlng position of the map.

If you like, you can upload it to MapBox server or export it as mbtiles file.

Good luck~

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